Lancaster Pumps
The following is a letter from Mark Anderson of Lancaster Pumps to Cycle Stop Valves, Inc. stating that their standard warranty will apply to pumps used with Cycle Stop Valves.
Also available: Original Scanned Letter (pdf)
May 1, 2003
Dear Clayton:
I have reviewed the faxed copy of the letter you received from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, dated April 22, 2003, regarding their possible denial of deviations from two sections of their design standard DEQ-1.
I have also reviewed all the available data to me concerning the use of Cycle Stop Valves in water systems applications.
Based upon this review and my own experience using Cycle Stop Valves with the centrifugal pumps that we manufacture, Lancaster Pump would apply our standard warranty to our pumps used with Cycle Stop Valves, unless we conclude that the sizing or installation of our pump or Cycle Stop Valve was not done properly according to all manufacturers recommendations and instructions.
Mark A. Anderson
Engineering Manager
Lancaster Pump Division, C-B Tool Company